Malaria prevention tablets

Treatment in 3 easy steps

Find out the risk of malaria in your country of travel and see your pharmacist for a consultation and to find the right antimalarials for you. Start your course of antimalarial tablets before travel and for four weeks after return.

Choose an appointment

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Visit your local pharmacist for a consultation.


Receive your course of antimalarial tablets provided by your pharmacist.

Do you need malaria medication?

If you are travelling abroad, particularly in Africa, Asia and South America, you should look up the risk of malaria. All four forms of malaria can cause serious illness and so antimalarial tablets are recommended in any country where there is a significant risk.

The course of tablets should start before you leave and end around four weeks after return. Your pharmacist can also advise you on insect repellents as well to lower your risk further.

Research malaria risk in your country of travel

Have a consultation with your pharmacist

Find the right antimalarials for you

Take as directed, starting before you travel and for four weeks after you return

Take further precautions to avoid being bitten by infected mosquitos

Speak to your pharmacist about preventing malaria

"Travelling is exciting but it is crucial that you are aware of health risks. Malaria in particular is a very serious infection but we now have prevention medication, mosquito nets and sprays available to us to cut the risk."

Dr Sarah Jarvis MBE

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