Hepatitis A vaccination

Treatment in 3 easy steps

Find out the risk of hepatitis A in your country of travel or if you are in a risk group and see your pharmacist for a consultation and vaccination. Return for a booster vaccination 6-12 months later for long-term protection.

Choose an appointment

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Visit your local pharmacist for a consultation.


Receive your vaccination provided by your pharmacist.

Do you need a hepatitis A vaccination?

The hepatitis A vaccination is a private (paid for) service from your pharmacist, including consultation. You may be eligible for a free vaccination on the NHS. You will need once vaccination for protection but will need a booster 6-12 months later for long-term protection.

Vaccination isn’t usually recommended to people living in the UK unless you have other risk factors like travelling to a zone with high prevalence, being a man who has sex with men, being an injecting drug user, having chronic liver disease (due to your increased risk of serious complications) and close contacts with those who already have hepatitis A.

Research your hepatitis A risk

Have a consultation with your pharmacist

Receive your vaccination

Have a booster vaccination 6-12 months later for long term protection

Take precautions to avoid exposure to hepatitis A

Speak to your pharmacist about hepatitis A

"Hepatitis A is an unpleasant illness for those who experience symptoms, but can be prevented through practicing good hygiene, drinking clean water and avoiding contaminated food. The vaccination gives an extra layer of protection for the people who need it."

Dr Sarah Jarvis MBE

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