Stop smoking services
Treatment in 3 easy steps
Speak to your pharmacist to find a treatment plan to help you stop smoking. Smoking cessation aids are best used in combination with regular support from your pharmacist or a stop smoking advisor.
Choose an appointment
Use our easy calendar to book an appointment that suits you.
Visit your local pharmacist for a consultation.
Follow your tailored stop smoking plan and use aids as directed.
Do you need stop smoking support?
Giving up isn’t easy but your chance of quitting successfully is greatly increased through expert support compared to going ‘cold turkey’. There are aids to help you stop smoking which include nicotine replacement therapy, using e-cigarettes, varenicline (Champix) tablets or bupropion (Zyban). These aids can help you to manage your withdrawal symptoms and craving as you stop smoking.
Your pharmacist can work with you to create a tailored plan, decide on which smoking cessation aid will work best for you and help you avoid triggers. They’ll offer follow up advice and support along the way.
Talk to your pharmacist
Create a tailored stop smoking plan
Find the right smoking cessation aid for you
Use the aid as directed
Have regular follow-up and support from your pharmacist
Ready to quit smoking? Consult with a pharmacist today.
"Quitting ‘cold turkey’ without any support is proven to increase the likelihood that you will start smoking again. Smoking cessation aids can help you to stop cravings and side effects which will help you to quit more successfully."
Dr Sarah Jarvis MBE
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